A Cross – Cultural Guide for Business and Life

Doing business overseas often entails operating out of one’s comfort zone.

Tried and trusted modes of operation in the home country might not always be relied on in another culture, even in today’s international market place. So it pays to put some time and effort into gaining an understanding of the culture and customs of the country before rushing headlong into encounters and making a poor impression due to lack of knowledge or sensitivity.

Today, many businesses from around the world are focusing their attention on the Gulf region. For anyone wanting to take some wise counsel before setting foot in the Arab regions, help is at hand in the distinguished form of former British army officer, Jeremy Williams OBE, whose knowledge of the region has been gained over several decades of working in the Gulf. His book ‘Don’t they know it’s Friday?’ (A Cross – Cultural Guide for Business and Life in the Gulf) is required reading by those who want to build good, profitable and lasting relationships with their business counterparts.

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